Hair Style

Texas mom outraged after trainer cut her son’s hair for get dressed code violation


A mother says her son’s high school gave him an undesirable haircut because his bangs violated the school’s dress code.

Lane Kiesling, sixteen, came home in tears from his high college in Hico, Texas, last week. His mother, Amy Martin, requested what turned into incorrect.

“His face changed into purple; he was crying,” Martin informed Style TODAY. “He took his hoodie off his head and stated, ‘This. This is what’s incorrect. They cut my bangs off.’ I couldn’t even say whatever because I turned so stunned at the haircut … it was lousy.”

She stated on Facebook that the haircut reminded her of Jim Carrey’s hairstyle from the movie “Dumb and Dumber,” however “worse.”

Martin said the fundamental pulled her son out of his 7th-period class and informed him that he had to cut his bangs. The mayor said the length of his swooping charges violated the college’s get dressed code, which states that “a male’s hair period shall no longer exceed underneath the eyebrows, the bottom of the ear lobes or shirt collar.”

The man reportedly asked a teacher with a cosmetology license to cut Kiesling’s bangs. The result turned into an uneven, choppy cut that Martin stated was humiliating for her son. Martin said that after Kiesling again to elegance, some of the alternative youngsters laughed and made fun of him.

“She (the foremost) stated the haircut turned so terrible because he wouldn’t keep his head up, he changed into searching down,” Martin instructed TODAY. “(It’s) due to the fact that he turned into embarrassed, changed into ashamed, and had tears, and didn’t want everybody to peer. But I don’t understand how looking down explains the haircut that he got. It’s so awful.”Texas mom outraged after trainer cut her son's hair for get dressed code violation 1

Martin stated she knew her son turned past due for a haircut and that she had been trying to get him to the barber inside the week main up inside the incident. But the value of a haircut becomes prohibitive for Martin, who’s unemployed in the intervening time.

“I don’t have a car and don’t have a task, so we’re working with very little cash,” she said. “We just moved, so with all the costs from shifting utilities, we no longer have the money. I didn’t even buy him Christmas offers this yr.”

Dean Hart
the authorDean Hart
I am a fashion and beauty blogger on, and I love sharing beauty tips, fashion trends, and lifestyle inspirations on the site.